Thursday, July 21, 2011

Zoe Feldman's gorgeous Georgetown house!

I'm way way way behind on posting on all the beautiful homes I've been privileged to visit lately for house tours, but I just posted one today on Apartment Therapy and wanted you all to check it out.

Zoe is a talented local designer, and her home has such a refreshing "undecorated" feel to it while still being incredibly interesting. As it is with many of my house tours I spent much longer exploring her home than I had intended. I fell in love with many things in her home, but especially the way she brought life to usually mundane and overlooked details like her doors, which she turned into total showstoppers.
Here's a glimpse, and after you've had a look, go check out the full tour here!

All the photos are my own.


  1. What a great place. Loving the black doors and brick wall!!

  2. Agreed. I'm in looooove with black doors. And great house tour post on AT!

  3. It is so inviting...yep I could see myself there!


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